Bien-Air Surgery and Gruppo Otologico Partnership 2020
In 2020, Bien-Air Surgery will continue a long-term partnership with Gruppo Otologico for their Middle Ear and Skull Base Surgery Hands-On Courses.
Bien-Air Surgery's new office project UPDATE
Our new building is growing more every day! Here is a quick update of the constructions. We can’t wait to move in.
We are happy to inform you that our website is now available in English, French and German
We are pleased to inform you that our website is now available in English, French and German. To change the language, simply click one of the languages in the menu on the top-left of the page. Enjoy !
Bien-Air Surgery reached the 100 employees mark
We are happy to announce that recently, the employees 100, 101, 102, and 103 has joined Bien-Air Surgery. This is a very important achievement for us for two reasons: first, it means that the company is growing fast, and second, it means that we are on the right track.
Bien-Air Surgery's new office project has started
Located just few meters from Bien-Air Dental in Bienne, the new building will be dedicated to office and laboratory spaces for Bien-Air Surgery and young, innovative start-ups.