Bien-Air Surgery is moving (very) soon !
Here’s a little sneak peak of our soon-to-be offices in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. As you can see, work is still in progress. Fortunately, the wait is almost over !
We regret to announce that Bien-Air Surgery will not be attending MEDICA 2020 due to COVID-19.
Update on the WSB Fellowship Training in Lateral Skull Base Surgery in Bangalore, India
Unfortunately we have to announce that due to the current circumstances and the uncertainly surrounding the COVID-19, the World Skull Base Fellowship Diploma in Lateral Skull Base Surgery has been postponed.
WSB Fellowship Training in Lateral Skull Base Surgery in Bangalore, India
It is a great pleasure to announce that Bien-Air Surgery together with our local partner Pridex Medicare Pvt. Ltd. will be participating to the World Skull Base Fellowship Diploma in Lateral Skull Base Surgery.
Bien-Air Surgery and Gruppo Otologico Partnership 2020
In 2020, Bien-Air Surgery will continue a long-term partnership with Gruppo Otologico for their Middle Ear and Skull Base Surgery Hands-On Courses.